A trademark is a visual symbol which may be a word, name, device, label or numeral used by a business to distinguish its goods or services from other similar products or services in the market owned by other businesses. A trademark is an asset that can be protected under the Indian law. To protect a trademark from being copied by others, the inventor of the word or symbol must apply for trademark registration. The process for trademark registration has various steps, and it is essential to hire an expert for trademark filing to ensure a seamless process.

The registration provides the right to take legal action against others who try to copy your trademark and prevents others from using a similar trademark to the one registered by you.

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How To Apply Trademark Registration in Ranchi


call Sonasis & talk to the experts

Trademark Search & Selection of Class

Application Processing Begins

Application filing

Trademark Symbol

Use 'TM' Symbol

Application Filling

Selection Of Classs

Objection Image

If Objection Trademark & Heading

Application Processing Begin

Application Processing Begins

Certificate of Registration

Certificate of Registration

What Can You Register As a Trademark?

Many aspects of your brand image can be registered as a trademark. The aspect you need to consider is which aspect of your brand stands out to your customers. Pick that aspect(s) for registering.

1. Name
a. Product Name: You can register a particular product’s name as a trademark. Apple’s iPod is a product name trademark.

b. Business Name: Registering a company name as a trademark is the most common route businesses take. Ex: Bajaj.

c. Person’s Name/Surname: If your name plays an important part in generating revenue, then you can even trademark your name! Ex: Shah Rukh Khan has trademarked his name.

d. Abbreviations: Abbreviations of a company or brand name can also be a trademark. Ex: BMW.

2. Logo/Symbol
It is highly recommended to trademark a logo because it visually represents your brand. Your customers can recollect a logo faster than a name. A great example of a logo trademark is the ‘swoosh’ of Nike.

3. Tagline
If you have a tagline for your brand, you can go ahead and trademark that as well. A tagline tells your customers what you stand for as a business. For example, KFC’s ‘It’s finger lickin’ good’.

4. Other Options
a. Colour Mark: You can trademark a colour or a combination of colours. (Ex: Cadbury has trademarked the colour royal blue)

b. Sound Mark: Musical notes or sounds can be trademarked if we can prove that it’s distinctive. Nokia has trademarked its tune.

c. Scent Mark: Even scents can be trademarked.

Why Is Trademark Registration Important?

Trademark registration is important and necessary for a business because:

It showcases your unique identity
It helps you build trust and loyalty among your customers
It offers legal protection for your brand’s identity
It is an asset in itself
It prevents unauthorized usage of your brand’s identity.

For Any Query Regarding Trademark Registration In Ranchi